Monday 14 July 2014

Replacing the Damaged Windshield of your Car

When the windshield of your car is chipped or cracked it is not only an unsightly sight to look at, but it can also be a major safety issue. Driving with a damaged windshield is most likely going to risks your life and the lives of other drivers around you. A damaged windshield is one main reason that makes you more susceptible to get into an accident.

A damaged windshield or one that hasn’t been properly set and glued into place can pop out during a collision. The windshield also provides structural support for the car, which means that a poorly installed windshield can even cause the roof to collapse.

Knowing when to fix or replace

Windshields that are simply chips in a small area can be easily fixed by a professional Auto Glass Repair Coquitlam. However, in case the chip is larger, then it will need to be replaced.

A standard windshield is basically made up of two transparent pieces of glass. These glasses are glued using a vinyl resin smeared in between the glasses. The vinyl resin is used to keep the glass in place during impact or a collision. It also stops the broken windshield from shattering into pieces which can prove to be harmful to the driver and the occupants.

The windshield replacement process often takes less than an hour. Finding a professional who has the right tools and expertise to do the job is the right way to go about. It is very important to be sure that no corners are cut during the replacement process.

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