Sunday 8 February 2015

The Various Services of an Auto Glass Repair and Replacement Centre

When you think of an auto glass repair and replacement centre, you think that’s about all they offer. If such a company were to offer more than that, wouldn’t it say right there in the title and description? Believe it or not, but such a centre usually offers far more than simply auto glass repair and replacement. Let’s go over some of the other services they offer...

First, you have the obvious service: auto glass repair and replacement. Driving with chips, cracks, and other damage on your windows can be distracting, dangerous, and illegal. Having your windshield repaired can solve the problem, however it is possible that the damage is simply too great to be repaired. If this is the case, you will have to have your entire window replaced. This is more difficult than it sounds as cars use special tempered glass and each model has its own specific measurements. What fits one car model likely won’t fit another. Even the same models can run into compatibility issues if the years of manufacture are different.   Installation is also complex and must be done correctly to prevent leaks and fogging.  Simply put, it’s not something you can easily do yourself and it does take a trained hand to get it done right.

Next, there is window tinting. This is a valuable service, as window tint can sometimes result in reduced damage to a window and the car. Having tinted windows can reduce the glare from the sun, mitigate the too-hot-to-touch seats problem during the summer months, reduce UV ray exposure, and possibly reduce danger from broken glass during an accident. Window tinting can also provide other benefits, like additional privacy in your vehicle, masking the contents from a potential thief, and preserving the longevity of the seats if they are made of leather. They are much more than a simple gimmick.

As a follow up, these same centres offer tint removal. If they can put it on, they can tear it off. Removing the tint from your windows can be a difficult task that requires an immense amount of effort and proper training to do it well. Besides requiring the use dangerous ammonia, it is easy to mess up and cause damage to your vehicle, or turn the process into a several-hour affair. There are many vehicles that have their radio antennas right where your tinting is, along with the defroster lines. Furthermore, improper removal of the tint can result in scratches on the window. You can certainly do it yourself, but the risks outweigh the benefits when there are professionals who can do it much better than you can.

Lastly, you can expect any auto glass repair and replacement centre to also offer headlight restoration. While purchasing an entirely new headlight system will certainly fix the issue, you can save a lot of money simply restoring your headlights. It’s a common issue that affects many car owners who believe the light system itself is failing when it is often a case of a clouded or dirty lens. Simply going at it with a rag and some cleaner usually doesn’t work, so these centres can get the job done for you at a much cheaper cost than you originally expected.

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